Saturday Dec 24, 2022

Ep 16: With Great Risks Comes a Great Reward - with Aaron Harper

"Trust your instincts. Bet on yourself." Do you work for someone, for some company and are thinking about starting your own business? Are you an entrepreneur? Have you ever wondered what would it mean to go on your own and launch a business? Do you want to be your own boss, but are afraid of the risks? This episode is for you!

In this episode Klaudyna is hosting someone you are familiar with already from Season 1 - Aaron Harper, an entrepreneur and an expert in building relationships and developing franchise brands. Aaron got into franchising years ago as a Franchise Development Director for Chem-Dry. In his franchising career, he has awarded over 400 franchise territories across 2 brands. He is now a rising entrepreneur, so in this episode we are having a conversation about making a decision to go on your own, starting a business and we are talking about what it really means. 

From an entrepreneurship perspective, Aaron talks speaks about the importance of a vision while creating a business - how it's never going to be perfect and how you will never have it figured out. He uncovers how a part of the decision of launching a business is being uncomfortable to achieve success. Aaron and Klaudyna also talk about 'golden handcuffs' - a stable and secure job with a salary coming in, benefits provided and how a lot of us are handcuffed to a job where ultimately there is a ceiling, when there comes a point where you cannot make anymore money, you cannot get anymore skillset. Why working for somebody else when you could do the same on your own?

Listen to this episode to get inspired with a new perspective on entrepreneurship and to hear why taking risks when all is unknown and uncomfortable may be the biggest reward and satisfaction for you in a long run!

"You have to trust your instincts. When you decide to launch a business - go and bet on yourself."


Tune in & enjoy!

Instagram: @klaudynasmitconsulting


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